Introduction: When Film was young, he thought that a day was very long and time passed slowly. However, as he grew older, he realized that time actually became shorter with age. "Once I became the pillar of the family, I started working every day and my home became just a place to sleep. There are so many things I want to do, but I can only do so much. Time flies by and there are some things that money can't buy." Now, Film values his time the most and wants to use his limited time to create infinite possibilities.

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"Rest days always pass by so quickly, and eight years have passed in the blink of an eye." From selling small goods at the market to being a flight attendant at Lion Air, and then becoming a model and actor, Film has worked hard every day. "Nobody's life is without fatigue, I won't lie to you, but even when you're tired, you have to fight. When opportunities arise, you have to seize them." Now, after eight years in the entertainment industry, he has appeared in dozens of film and television works, portraying many classic characters.

Film's family is not wealthy. He has been living with his mother since childhood, and working in the entertainment industry has always been Film's dream. "My mother likes to watch TV dramas, and I've been watching with her since I was a child. Watching TV dramas made me feel happy too. Then I thought in my heart, 'Can I also step into the TV?' and that should be where my dream began." Film lives out his motto - "You become the person you want to be" - and it is this mantra that has helped him reach where he is today.

After the success of "Khun Chai ", Film quickly collaborated with Jam again in "The Secret", where Film plays the role of a lawyer named "Chan". "This time, it's a completely new character, even more interesting than the previous one. There are many shades of gray in Chan's personality, he can be seen as both righteous and evil at the same time. I have never played a role that fully embraces the dark side of my inner self. I did a lot of research and work, and I really enjoyed this role. Working with Jam this time was better than before, and both Jam and I, as well as the entire team, had a whole new experience. We all grew together through it." Most importantly, "The Secret" isn't intentionally creating hype or selling points by pushing boundaries. Everything is genuine, natural, and happens as a result of the true emotions of the actors, scriptwriters, directors, and the whole team coming together to create the authentic lives of the two main characters. "We're not making this drama to break boundaries or create controversies about same-sex relationships. When these two people fall in love, romance happens. Maybe it doesn't meet the expectations of some people, but it's real. It's what real emotions look like."

Film frankly admits that he hasn't had many choices when it comes to choosing scripts since he entered the industry. "If the seniors give me an opportunity, then I will do my best to fulfill it to the best of my abilities. But if given the chance in the future, I would like to experiment with an interesting, distinct, and challenging role." He believes that acting should be about experiencing joy and fun because "if I myself find it uninteresting to perform, then the audience will also find it uninteresting. Moreover, such roles enable me to gauge my level at this age and understand which areas I need to improve and correct in my performances." In his 30s, Film has deeper reflections and hopes to surpass himself, to see how far he can go in the field of acting. "I don't know what I can achieve in the future, but as long as I have a day and an opportunity, I will do my best."

Film lacks confidence in his acting career, having experienced disappointment and hardships, but he believes that the more tears shed, the more growth experienced. "Looking back now, those obstacles were trivial. I've come to understand one thing: nothing in this world is permanent, and everything comes and goes to help us understand and love ourselves more." Film desperately seizes every moment, all in the hope of eventually being able to use time more freely. He yearns for a life of freedom, where he has more choices in life. "This freedom means having the freedom to live whenever I want, to work however I want, to go wherever I want, with whomever I want, and whenever I want. I want to have ample time and be with the ones I love, going to the places I desire."

สร้างเวลา:2024-01-17 10:05